
Bare Root Hedging Now in Stock


Bare root hedging is the most economical form of hedging, and is planted during the autumn and winter months. We now have availble bare root hedging for collection at our nursery.

We offer 40-60cm bare roots as the most economical version, and 60-80cm bare roots as our standard version. In terms of planting density, we recommend 7 plants per metre for a double staggered row, and 5 plants per metre for a single row.

Contact us for a quote.

Receive a Quote: We can source and order in your hedging that is not on our regular stock list. Contact us by email, or call us 10am-3pm Mon-Fri on 01280 811003.

Alternatively, come and visit us and buy bare root direct from our Nursery.

We can now deliver your bare root hedging.

Hedging is also available for collection from our Nursery.

Swallows Wildlife-Friendly Mixed Fruit Hedge

Based on 25% Quickthorn, 25% Blackthorn and 25% Hornbeam, plus our selected mix of wild cherry, cranberry bush, hazelnut, crab apple and dog rose. Perfectly formulated by us to provide a beautifully flowering hedge, and later rich in fruit that provides a sanctuary and sustains wildlife.

Swallows Defensive Hedging

A 50%/50% Quickthorn and Blackthorn (Sloe) hedge that grows thick and deters access. Also beautiful, and popular with gin makers!

Beech Hedging

Common Beech (Fagus sylvatica)

Copper Beech (Fagus sylvatica ‘Atropunicea’)

Common Privet (Ligustrum vulgare)

Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus)

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